Sublime Chord Handbook
@@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ Mighty Rage KEY:Barbarian Mighty Rage CATEGORY:Special AbilityTYPE:Extr# BardWeapon and Armor ProficiencyKEY:Bard Weapon and Armor Proficiency CATEGORY:Special AbilityTYPE:Bard Class Feature.Class Feature.SpecialQuality DESC:A bard is proficient with all simple weapons, Bards are proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields). Because the somatic components required for bard spells are relatively simple, a bard can cast bard spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. !PREVAREQ:DisplayFullAbility,1 DESC:A bard is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, and whip. Bards are proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields). Because the somatic components required for bard spells are relatively simple, a bard can cast bard spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. However, like any other arcane spellcaster, a bard wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component (most do).
A multiclass bard still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes. PREVAREQ:DisplayFullAbility,1 AUTO:WEAPONPROF Longsword Rapier Sap Sword (Short) Shortbow WhipABILITY:Internal AUTOMATIC TYPE=ArmorProfLight TYPE=WeaponProfSimple SOURCEPAGE:p.29Spells KEY:Bard Spells CATEGORY:Special AbilityTYPE:Bard Class Feature.Class Feature DESC:Spells: A bard casts arcane spells (the same type of spells available to sorcerers and wizards), which are drawn from the bard spell (page 181) list. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time, the way a wizard or cleric must (see below).
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Every bard spell has a verbal component (singing, reciting, or music). To learn or cast a spell, a bard must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level (Cha 10 for 0-level spells, Cha 11 for 1st level spells, and so forth).
The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a bard's spell is 10 + the spell level + the bard's Charisma modifier. Like other spellcasters, a bard can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day.
His base daily spell allotment is given on Table 34: The Bard. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score (see Table 11: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells, page 8). When Table 34 indicates that the bard gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level (for instance, 1stlevel spells for a 2nd-level bard), he gains only the bonus spells he would be entitled to based on his Charisma score for that spell level.
The bard's selection of spells is extremely limited. A bard begins play knowing four 0-level spells (also called cantrips) of your choice. At most new bard levels, he gains one or more new spells, as indicated on Table 35: Bard Spells Known. (Unlike spells per day, the number of spells a bard knows is not affected by his Charisma score; the numbers on Table 35 are fixed.) Upon reaching 5th level, and at every third bard level after that (8th, 11th, and so on), a bard can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows.
In effect, the bard loses the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell's level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least two levels lower than the highest-level bard spell the bard can cast. For instance, upon reaching 5th level, a bard could trade a single 0-level spell (two spell levels below the highest-level bard spell he can cast, which is 2nd) for a different 0-level spell. At 8th level, he could trade in a single 0-level or 1st-level spell (since he now can cast 3rd-level bard spells) for a different spell of the same level. A bard may swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that he gains new spells known for the level. As noted above, a bard need not prepare his spells in advance.
He can cast any spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his allotment of spells per day for the spell's level. For example, at 1st level, Gimble the bard can cast two 0-level spells per day for being 1st level (see Table 34: The Bard). However, he knows four 0-level spells: detect magic, ghost sound, light, and read magic (see Table 35: Bard Spells Known).
Thus, on any given day, he can cast some combination of those four spells a total of two times. He does not have to decide ahead of time which spells he'll cast.Bardic Knowledge KEY:Bard Bardic Knowledge CATEGORY:Special AbilityTYPE:Bard Class Feature.Class Feature.SpecialQuality.BardicKnowledge.Bardic Knowledge DEFINE:BardicKnowledgeLVL 0DEFINE:BardicKnowledge 0 DESC:A bard picks up a lot of stray knowledge while wandering the land and learning stories from other bards.
He may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his bard level + his Intelligence modifier (+%1) to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. (If the bard has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (history), he gains a +2 bonus on this check.) A successful bardic knowledge check will not reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general function. A bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of knowledge is essentially random.
The DM can determine the Difficulty Class of the check by referring to the table above. BardicKnowledgeBonus ABILITY:Special Ability AUTOMATIC Bardic Knowledge BONUS:VAR BardicKnowledgeLVL BardLVLBONUS:VAR BardicKnowledge BardicKnowledgeLVL SOURCEPAGE:p.29Bardic Music KEY:Bard Bardic Music CATEGORY:Special AbilityTYPE:Bard Class Feature.Class Feature.SpecialQuality.Bardic Music.BardicMusic DEFINE:BardicMusicLvl 0 DESC:Once per day per bard level, a bard can use his song or poetics to produce magical effects on those around him (usually including himself, if desired). # Air# Spell NameElemental Swarm.COPY=Elemental Swarm (Cast as an air spell only)###Block: 3rd Edition SupportEmotion (3e)KEY:EmotionSCHOOL:EnchantmentSUBSCHOOL:CompulsionDESCRIPTOR:Mind-AffectingCLASSES:Bard=3 Sorcerer,Wizard=4COMPS:V, SCASTTIME:1 actionRANGE:MediumTARGETAREA:All living creatures within a 15-ft. RadiusDURATION:ConcentrationSAVEINFO:Will negatesSPELLRES:YesDESC:This spell arouses a single emotion of your choice in the subjects. You can choose any one of the following versions:DESC:&nl;Despair: The enchanted creatures suffer a 2 morale penalty to saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Emotion (despair) dispels emotion (hope).DESC:&nl;Fear: The enchanted creatures flee from you whenever they are in sight of you. Emotion (fear) dispels emotion (rage).DESC:&nl;Friendship: The enchanted creatures react more positively toward others.
Their attitude on the Influencing NPCAttitude Table (see NPC Attitudes in the DUNGEON MASTERs Guide) shifts to the next more favorable reaction (hostile to unfriendly, unfriendly to indifferent, indifferent to friendly, or friendly to helpful). Creatures involved in combat, however, continue to fight back normally. Emotion (friendship) dispels emotion (hate).DESC:&nl;Hate: The enchanted creatures react more negatively toward others. Their attitude on the Influencing NPCAttitude Table (see NPC Attitudes in the DUNGEON MASTERs Guide) shifts to the next less favorable reaction (helpful to friendly, friendly to indifferent, indifferent to unfriendly, or unfriendly to hostile).
Emotion (hate) dispels emotion (friendship).DESC:&nl;Hope: The enchanted creatures gain a +2 morale bonus to saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Emotion (hope) dispels emotion (despair).DESC:&nl;Rage: The enchanted creatures gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution scores, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a 1 penalty to AC. They are compelled to fight heedless of danger.
Emotion (rage) does not stack with barbarian rage or with itself. Emotion (rage) dispels emotion (fear).SOURCELONG:Player's Handbook (3e)SOURCESHORT:PHSOURCEPAGE:p.199. @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ SOURCELONG:Book of Vile DarknessSOURCESHORT:BVSOURCEDATE:2002-10# Domain NameAbility Virtual FeatCombat bonus Bonus to skill Weapon prof. Bonus Source Page Description List of Domain Spells by LevelBestial ABILITY:Special Ability AUTOMATIC Scent SOURCEPAGE:p.DESC:You gain the Scent extraordinary ability.
SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN Bestial=1 Magic Fang Bestial=2 Bull's Strength Bestial=3 Magic Fang (Greater) Bestial=4 Claws of the Savage Bestial=5 Charm Monster Bestial=6 Hold Monster Bestial=7 Whirlwind of Teeth Bestial=8 Spread of Savagery Bestial=9 Were-DoomCorruption SOURCEPAGE:p.DESC:Once per day, you can attack an object and ignore its hardness rating. SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN Corruption=1 Doom Corruption=2 Blindness/Deafness Corruption=3 Contagion Corruption=4 Morality Undone Corruption=5 Feeblemind Corruption=6 Pox Corruption=7 Insanity Corruption=8 Befoul Corruption=9 DespoilDarkness VFEAT:Blind-Fight SOURCEPAGE:p.DESC:You gain Blind-Fight as a bonus feat. SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN Darkness=1 Darkvision Darkness=2 Darkbolt Darkness=3 Deeper Darkness Darkness=4 Damning Darkness Darkness=5 Evard's Black Tentacles Darkness=6 Wall of Force Darkness=7 Shadow Walk Darkness=8 Utterdark Darkness=9 ScreenDarkness VFEAT:Blind-Fight SOURCEPAGE:p.DESC:You gain Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.
The factotum is a virtually unknown character class in 3.5 found in the Dungeonscape handbook. Unless you like optimization, then you're probably quite familiar with this flavour of cheese.
Basically, the factotum is a super-nerd who uses intelligence and observation to mimic other classes' abilities a couple times per encounter. This guy is quite possibly the best Skill Monkey in the game, has access to every skill in 3.5E including the Iajitsu Focus skill from Oriental Adventures, but is mostly known for breaking the Diplomacy skill. The class can also imitate the class features and spells of other classes, effectively making it the Harry Flashman of the party. One turn you're casting Greater Shout and other high power sorcerer spells, and then you're healing party members like a cleric.
If you're not cheesing, the class is squarely in Tier 3, with immense flexibility but no truly absurd powers. If you want to play a jack of all trades, this is indisputably the best class for that. It also works well with the Chameleon prestige class from Races of Destiny.
The typical class for people who can't make up their mind (and have even heard of it), and potentially the most indecisive badass of all time.
Broken down, the factotum is actually pretty bread-and-butter. You need Int, Con, and presuming you play up the skill monkey role (you should), you get Cha and Wis. You can't exactly 'dump' Str and Dex, but you don't need any bonuses there, either. Of all the classes in 3.5, factotum is the one who actually benefits most from an 'average' range in his stats: nothing really higher than about a 16 is actually necessary, but nothing lower than a 10 should ever be allowed.
What do you get for all this? You get average hp and BAB, decent proficiencies, and every skill in the game as class skill. ALL OF THEM. Not just Iaijitsu Focus (which is grade-A fucking cheese), but also Autohypnosis, Psicraft, and Use Psionic Device (which is.. less cheesy, but still pretty stout). Oh, and while you don't get quite as many skill points per level as a rogue, your SAD for Int means you don't actually give a fuck, because you are going to have double-digit skill points every level in short order.
But wait! There's more!
The big mechanic for factotums is Inspiration Points. Basically, every 'encounter', you get a pool of points to spend on your class abilities. Those abilities are boiled down to adding either your Int bonus or your factotum level to every fucking roll you will ever make. This is why you didn't need much Str or Dex: with enough Int and Inspiration, if you do happen to wander into combat by accident, you can hold your own for a hot minute until the party beefcake takes over. And with access to martial weapons, you are definitely not a slouch in that department; since you only get light armor/shields, you'd be silly not to go with a greatsword or some other weapon with delicious damage output. And if you think the Inspiration Point pool isn't big enough then this hard to find Font of Inspiration feat will provide it with a much needed boost, especially if you take it more than once.
And that's not all. You also get a bag of tricks that will basically make you useful in a dozen situations. Trapfinding, a few per-day arcane spells(which is literally your factotum faking knowing wizard magic with word salad and interpretive dance moves), a little lay on hands style healing (which is literally your factotum running through a bundle of holy symbols, looking for a deity that will take pity on your dumb ass to help you out), some sneak attack damage, extra actions, and the ability to ignore spell resistance and damage reduction.
Hold up there, chief. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. You have a hard cap on how much you can do this shit per combat/encounter. You can never truly replace a full caster, ever (you have to pop Inspiration for your arcane spells, and they are gone afterwards), nor can you replace an actual cleric or other healer (because you have a set pool of healing per day that will never beat a wand or regular spell-slot healing). Your sneak attack is pretty nice, but a rogue can always do it better and forever; when you run out of Inspiration, you're basically an average BAB beat-stick.
So what's good about all that? You can fill in for a party member in a pinch, always. You're not quite a fighter, but a few buffs can make you feel like one. You're not quite a rogue, but few good rolls and some luck will get you there. You can't really cast magic, but you can use items like wands and such (since you were smart and took UMD/UPD). Fact is, only a few classes with really niche abilities like bard, druid, and TOB silliness is the only things you can't really do.
You're basically the party Swiss Army Knife. You look a little silly, but every time someone says, 'Man, I really wish we had a..', you're already doing what needed to be done there. If there's five party members and the basic four (fighter, cleric, rogue, wizard) are already done, it's a really tough call between a bard and a factotum as your fifth wheel character; both can be insanely useful depending on circumstances. Bard edges out slightly due to all the prestige classes that make it killer, but we're about to introduce you to some very fine 3.5 cheese..
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Breaking Good (aka the Chameleon Build)[edit]
So in Races of Destiny, there's this little prestige class called Chameleon. The TL;DR version is, they were created by a master assassin who was tired of having to work so hard at faking being other classes to get close to a target. UMD is great in a dungeon, but trying to use wands and staves all the time when you're trying to pretend to be a cleric or wizard or something doesn't work forever. Someone's going to realize you aren't casting from memory and figure you out.
Mr. Assassin hit upon the perfect solution. He didn't have to do 'everything' better than other classes, he just needed to 'fake it until you make it' with them. So he visited a monk who was developing this ability to take on those abilities slightly, and change them day by day. Assassin murders the monk after learning everything he could, then goes home to create a whole school devoted to this new trick.
The Chameleon isn't correctly named, because you don't just appear to be another class, you ARE another class. You can only be human or doppleganger (or a changeling, ala Eberron, who is descended from both), and you need some pretty stiff skill requirements to get in (because few classes have all four of them as class skills). But once you meet those requirements, you get access to what is often considered a potentially broken class.
Chameleons can cast up to 6th-level spells from any arcane and/or divine list. Yes, any of them. This allows a chameleon with time, patience, and resources to cobble together a spellbook that looks like the ravings of a lunatic wizard, using cherry-picked spells from lists like bard and trapsmith to do shit like cast haste as a 1st-level spell, or even cure spells as arcane spells. The divine spell choices are slightly less good, because you have to pick a specific list for those spells; you can't mix cleric and druid, you have to pick one. Another slight drawback is that you have to meet normal spellcasting requirements, meaning you need at least a 16 in your casting stat, but since skill monkey usually already have such stats pretty high (party face requires Cha, all your scouting stuff needs Wis and/or Int, etc.), this is usually a non-issue for you. You also can do per-day class abilities like actual rage, paladin smites, even turning.
But the best part is, you can boost a single ability score all day long. Yeah, you can do this to shore up a bad stat you need to mimic. But when your chassis if factotum, this makes Intelligence the natural choice. You can jump in early with factotum 5, go full chameleon 10, and come back to finish off with factotum 10 (to get cunning surge, more Inspiration, and better SLAs and lay on hands).
Oh, also, at chameleon 2 you get a bonus feat that you can change from day to day, and at chameleon 7 you can get two 'class' types at once (which means you can pseudo-theurge by taking divine and wizard casting at once).
There are drawbacks to chameleon. You can't use any of the abilities in that class, including spellcasting, to qualify for any-fucking-thing. No metamagic feats, nothing based on use of rage or smite, nothing. You CAN qualify for feats with any non-chameleon class, and your chameleon BAB, saves, etc. do still count for those sorts of requirements. But, for example, you can't take Arcane Strike because you have arcane spells as a chameleon; you only qualify for it if you get 3rd-level spells from elsewhere. (Factotum gets there at 8th level, FYI.) If you do qualify for Arcane Strike, however, you can use your chameleon arcane spell slots to fuel it; you just have to qualify for it elsewhere.
DMM cheese is similarly difficult to get without dipping cleric or something somewhere, because chameleon turning won't count to qualify for the feat.. but once you do qualify, you CAN use chameleon turn attempts to fuel it.
As some of you really conniving fuckers may be guessing by now, yes, chameleon can lead to nine kinds of abuse. Shit, the free changing bonus feat per day alone is a reason some folks dip into chameleon anyway: wizards who don't want to blow feats on item creation, or who just want access to additional metamagic feats, may actually get more mileage from chameleon than loremaster or even archmage.
But for factotums, chameleon is basically a must-have. It's Factoum On Steroids, and it makes you infinitely better at your job. No, you don't get quite as much power as a Tier 1 or 0 caster, but Christ, you can still do a lot. Use action economy spells on the arcane side and cleric buff spells like divine power on the divine side, and you can truly lay waste to enemies a few times a day without breaking a sweat. You can save your wizard and cleric/druid from even needing to cast a spell for the first half of the dungeon, so when they get to the BBEG, they can just pop off everything they've got while you're backstabbing minions and worming your way up to the boss. Plus, if you were smart and took mental pinnacle, now you're also kind of a psion for a short time, and with UPD you can use all kinds of spiffy items like power stones and dorje.
Built properly, a factotum/chameleon is pretty much the perfect jack-of-all-trades character. In a party with a sublime chord bard, an eldritch theurge, and an STP erudite, a min-maxed chameleon will basically fit in so good that you won't need much else to conquer the world.
Player's Handbook: | Barbarian - Bard - Cleric - Druid - Fighter - Monk Paladin - Ranger - Rogue - Sorcerer - Wizard |
Player's Handbook II: | Beguiler - Dragon Shaman - Duskblade - Knight |
Complete Adventurer: | Exemplar - Ninja - Scout - Spellthief |
Complete Arcane: | Warlock - Warmage - Wu jen |
Complete Divine: | Favored Soul - Shugenja - Spirit Shaman |
Complete Psionic: | Ardent - Divine Mind - Erudite - Lurk |
Complete Warrior: | Hexblade - Samurai - Swashbuckler |
Dragon Compendium: | Battle Dancer - Death Master - Jester Mounteback - Savant - Sha'ir - Urban Druid |
Dragon Magazine: | Sha'ir - Deathwalker - Fleshcrafter - Soul Reaper |
Dragon Magic: | Dragonfire Adept |
Dungeonscape: | Factotum |
Eberron Campaign Setting: | Artificer |
Heroes of Horror: | Archivist - Dread Necromancer |
Magic of Incarnum: | Incarnate - Soulborn - Totemist |
Miniatures Handbook: | Favored Soul - Healer - Marshal - Warmage |
Oriental Adventures: | Samurai - Shaman - Shugenja - Sohei - Wu jen |
Psionics Handbook: | Psion - Psychic Warrior - Soulknife - Wilder |
Tome of Battle: | Crusader - Swordsage - Warblade |
Tome of Magic: | Binder - Shadowcaster - Truenamer |
NPC Classes: | Adept - Aristocrat - Commoner - Expert - Magewright - Warrior |
Class-related things: | Favored Class - Gestalt character - Multiclassing Prestige classes - Variant Classes - Epic Levels |