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YUM or Yellowdog Updater Modified is a utility for managing of rpm packages & is available for all Redhat OS & other Linux distros based on Redhat. It is used to install, remove, update & to gather information about rpm packages through command line interface or by using graphical mode. Use uptodate to install yum linux version.
Important Notes. In order to install this update, it is necessary to have Digital Voice Editor software version 2.x installed on the computer. During the installation of this file, be sure that you are logged in as the Administrator or as a user with Administrative rights. To ensure that no other program interferes with the installation, save all work and close all other programs. The Taskbar should be clear of applications before proceeding. It is highly recommended to print out these instructions as a reference during the installation process. Download and Installation Instructions.
The Software 'Digital Voice Editor Ver.3.3.01' supports ICD-PX820/PX820M/PX820D/SX750/SX850/SX850D. Readme has been revised to include Windows 7.
To ensure that no other program interferes with the installation, save all work and close all other programs.