Anytone At 588 Vhf Manual
ANYTONE AT-588 DEUTSCH USERS G Gu Eigenschappen Anytone AT-588 VHF: - RX & TX Doorlopend 136 t/m 174 Mhz - Zend vermogen instelbaar hoog mid laag. Anytone AT588 (400-489mhz) UHF. Simple programming either via the Chinglish manual or even easier with data.
RigPix Database - AnyToneAnyTone also makes equipment for the CB community and various other uses.See the relevant areas for those products.HANDIE-TALKIES/PORTABLES PixDocModModelBand/QRGModeMax P/OQuicknote2 m/70 cmFM/NFM/DMR7/6 WAPRS2 m/70 cmFM/NFM/DMR7/6 WAPRS and BluetoothMOBILE VHF/UHF PixDocModModelBand/QRGModeMax P/OQuicknote70 cmFM60 WRX: 400-490 MHz2 mFM60 WRX: 136-174 MHz2 m/70 cmFM?/? W4 mFM25 WRX: 66-88 MHz2 m/1.25 m/70 cmFM55/55/40 W2 m/70 cmFM/DMR50/45 W.
Rating:2019-11-15Pass On This OneTime Owned: 0 to 3 months.Purchased this unit because it was advertised at 50 watts output. Manual even rates it at 60 watts. Actual output through a quality 220mhz rated watt meter into a 50 ohm dummy load is about 30 watts. After many back and forth emails with supplier, no offer to exchange the unit was made, which led me to believe that this problem is most likely misleading advertising and all the AT-588 radios put out lower than advertised power. Anyone purchasing one of these should be aware of this problem and what you may expect from supplier in product support. Rating:2019-09-03very nice rigTime Owned: 0 to 3 months.As soon as I opened the box I could see that it was close to the Jetstream JT 222M only difference is that it has a different name & it does 10 more watts. I have not had any issues at all and I do believe that the extra power has got me over to the edge of my footprint. Tropico 1 download ita.
I live in SW Ohio. We now have 2 National 220 nets during the week & I am able to get to one of the towers in Indiana where the Tuesday night 220 net happens. The rig does get somewhat warm when keeping the key down on extended transmissions, like any other rig but all in all for $125 & from online @ Walmart you can not beat it I will never buy another TYT. So with out any problems since I have used this rig, (got it in late July 2019) I that's why I have given this rig 5 stars. I will come back towards the end of the year for more updates by then I hope to have 2-3 more.This rig will definitely make 220 great again!
W9Sam (a 2nd generation 220 operator). Rating:2018-04-15A little quirky but very goodTime Owned: 3 to 6 months.I want to give it a 4.5 but that wasn't an option so I gave it a 5 because it doesn't deserve a 4.I was always curious about the 1.25m band and this radio helped satisfy that curiosity for a very reasonable price.
There aren't a lot of options. I was looking hard at the AT-5888UV tri-bander but the reviews weren't that great and the power output and crossband limitations hint that it is using some form of transverter tech to operate on 220 so I passed on that model. That left the TYT 9000D and the Alinco. TYT also had less than stellar reviews and I just finished a QSO with several local hams who love it but each of them replaced it after 3 years of service.
The Alinco is well loved but more expensive with 25 watts on high which is a little disappointing for a single band, modern, mobile rig. All of that led to this radio and I'm glad it did because it's great. There are a few quirks in the user interface.
For example, every other radio I own, keying the mic while it's scanning will stop the scan wherever you are without transmitting. THIS radio it transmits on whatever frequency the knob was on before you started the scan. Other functions require multiple key presses (like power adjustments and checking a repeater's input) but all in all not too bad. I don't use it all of the time so I keep the halfway decently written manual right next to the radio.PLEASE READ.PRODUCT REVIEWS TERMS & CONDITIONS-NOTES. To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community siteon the Internet.
A 'portal' that hams think of as the firstplace to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part ofwhat’s happening with ham radio on the Internet. providesrecognition and enjoyment to the people who use, contribute, and buildthe site.This project involves a management team of volunteers who each takea topic of interest and manage it with passion.
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